The Importance of Regular Maintenance
Whether you drive the latest model vehicle or an older run around vehicle, regular servicing and maintenance is a must. Many of us use our vehicles daily but can be guilty of putting the car getting serviced at the bottom of the priority list. Yet we still expect it to perform at its best every time we use it. A regular service can be the difference between a minor repair job and a serious, expensive fault down the road.
It is recommended that you have a professional service every 10,000 kilometres, which may consist of a simple oil change or a full service including a number of vehicle safety checks.
“We don’t believe in cutting corners, and pride ourselves on using only leading brand products to ensure the best performance of your vehicle.”
The most vital part of a car service is to have your oil changed, otherwise sludge may build up which will prevent the engine being correctly lubricated. This could result in engine failure and an expensive repair. Having a regular service will help you to avoid this problem and save you money and time in the long run.
While a warrant of fitness or WOF inspection will check the performance of your brakes on the day, it is not a thorough inspection so nothing is dismantled to check the amount of actual wear and tear, or indicate how long components are likely to last. An important area that is often overlooked is the condition of the brake fluid itself. Brake fluid with high moisture content can corrode the system from the inside out and can boil, resulting in brake fade. We recommend replacing your brake fluid every two years.
In essence, regular car repair and maintenance is extremely important. By following preventative maintenance measures, you’ll be able to save time, effort and money in the long run. With the assistance of a good mechanic, you’ll be able to have a well maintained and well running vehicle to get you around from A to B, safely and efficiently.
Help reduce engine wear.
Improve fuel economy.
Prolong the life of your engine.
Maintain a safe vehicle for you, your family and your business.